Sunday, November 20, 2011

LAD #17 Sojouner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman" Speech

Summary of Sojouner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman" Speech, Akron, Ohio, 1851:

A very brief speech in which Sojouner starts by describing how white women are treated delicately. But is Sojouner a woman? Then how come she works in the fields, gets beaten and whipped, has 13 children who were mostly sold off as slaves, and never receives comfort?

Further, she argues that, even if her intellect is less capable than a white's or a man's, as whites and men claim, doesn't she still deserve to be taught regardless? And addressing the argument of clergy, which states that women have less rights than men because Jesus was a man, Sojouner states that Jesus was born to a woman. She concludes that women ought to be able to turn the world right side up again, and that "the men better let them."

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